The Artist is an amazing dynamic in the brain and another key to igniting passion and performance. Being able to activate the Artist in yourself and others is a powerful motivational skill.
The Artist is activated when we have a good balance of the passion of the Caveman and the creative focus of the Thinker. The Artist fuels our passion for things we care deeply about. It energizes us to go to great lengths to build or protect these things. Your Artist is active when you are excited about a hobby, engrossed
in a movie or enthralled by a performance. It’s most active when you are enjoyably creating something. People in their Artist mode include:
a gardener getting all sweaty and dirty but smiling about it; a computer programmer volunteering to help write Linux code for free; an expert adding
information to Wikipedia purely for the love of sharing knowledge; a sales executive sincerely and passionately telling people why he loves the product he sells; an engineer excitedly finding better ways to make a process better; a scientist making a break-through discovery after years of dedicated research; and a child pretending to serve tea. Think of the things you most enjoy creating, writing, building, cooking, sharing, selling, describing, or doing. Chances are that your Artist is active and leading the charge. For me, public speaking, teaching, and humor are where my Artist comes out the most. I really do love the helping others to learn, grow, and have fun. This is where I feel the most alive, dynamic, and engaged with life.
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