Jason Silva is one of the most profound thinkers of our day. To make it even better he is a master video producer (and host of Brain Games) so creates dynamic videos to explain his concepts.
I challenge you to create vital cycles of optimism. Design experiences for yourself that increase your passion, enhance your optimism, and as Silva says, “make your life a work of art”.
Posted In: Career, Creativity, Influence, Informative, Interview, Motivation, Solution-focus
Tagged: Best DNA, brain, change, dream, empowerment, energize, fulfilling, influence, inspiration, learned optimism, learning, motivation, optimism, passion, positive, strengths, transform
Tagged: Best DNA, brain, change, dream, empowerment, energize, fulfilling, influence, inspiration, learned optimism, learning, motivation, optimism, passion, positive, strengths, transform
Thanks Bob. So true..that we have the power to cultivate our experience of events into what we want them to be for ourselves. Love how his concept of “editing” our life.
I love it too. I’m in love with the ability we have to transform ourselves over time. Silva, as a video producer philosopher, has great film metaphors about it. They work so well.