Jason Silva from “Brain Games” eloquently describes how our “Inner movies” (my term) work by describing color.
What part of reality do you choose to look at the most?
What you focus on, not only changes the color of the dress, but also your mood.
Posted In: brain science, Influence, Motivation, Solution-focus, Uncategorized
Tagged: brain science, communication, learning
Tagged: brain science, communication, learning
Thanks Bob. This is great. Love how he explains that our world is really a personal ‘fill in the blank’ experience. Just learned that physicists say that due to the amount of space between and within atoms, relative to the amount of space taken up by the atoms, our bodies are just about 100% empty space. Talk about ‘fill in the blank!’
Allen, that is mind-blowing as well! Almost 100% space. Wow.
Most of our mental blank filling is unconscious input from past experience, I think. But I love to focus on that portion that we can choose to fill in.